Flourish Foundation

About Us
Our Mission
Flourish Foundation is a social-profit dedicated to inspiring systemic change through cultivation of healthy habits of mind that promote personal well-being, benevolent social action, and environmental stewardship.
Flourish Foundation is committed to invigorating change from the inside out with the following core values:
1.) Our mental life determines the way we engage with the world.
2.) To create and sustain beneficial changes in the world we need to cultivate healthy habits of mind.
3.) Healthy habits of mind continuously evolve and can be deliberately cultivated throughout our life.
Within this context, healthy habits of mind are defined as qualities of mind that give rise to individual well being through the attainment of mental balance and collective well being through the promotion of universal compassion.
We are proud to report that Flourish spans offerings for all phases of life – from mindfulness-based childbirth and parenting to mindfulness programs for seniors.

P.O. Box 2429
Ketchum, ID 83340